Best B2B Copywriting Strategies: Maximizing Conversion

From consumer-facing operations to corporate communications, copywriting is an essential part of business. Good copy is especially important in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. It provides context for products and services laying the groundwork for successful relationships.

In this article, we’ll take a long look at B2B copywriting and why it’s so important. Once we explain the essence of business content, we’ll review its benefits and discuss key copywriting strategies. If you sell products or services of any kind to other businesses, professional copy is key.

The following stats highlight the importance of content in this sector:

What is B2B copywriting?

Copywriting is about using words to persuade and influence people. Depending on the nature of the copy, you may wish to drive a specific action or promote your business as a whole. B2B copywriting is the act of writing copy for consumption by other businesses. Different messaging can be used to inform readers, promote products, and build your brand.

Examples of B2B copywriting include marketing material for brochures, technical copy for manuals, and promotional copy for marketing campaigns. Nowadays, a lot of copy is shared online, including website articles, blog posts,advertising,and social media content.

Online copywriting is a growing concern for many businesses. Everything from email marketing to social media and website creation falls under this banner. More often than not, B2B transactions involve electronic commerce via specialized websites. From brokering sites to industry portals, these platforms also demand professional copywriting services.

Copywriters use both creative and technical skills. They talk to customers, promoting products and building brands.Copy created for businesses needs to be engaging, informative, and capable of driving market action.

The benefits of quality B2B copywriting strategies

As mentioned above, B2B copywriting fulfills a range of marketing purposes. Depending on where the content is published and what it’s about, it can be used to educate readers and promote various business offerings. B2B copywriting has many benefits like generating awareness, attracting leads, or finalizing sales.

With B2B copywriting strategies, you can:

Increase brand awareness

B2B copywriting helps to boost brand awareness. Not all copy is directly related to products and services, with content often about building the brand. From “About Us” pages to product sheets, professional marketing copy helps to build authority and confidence.

Attract new customers

Good business copy helps to attract new corporate customers. If you want to appeal to other businesses, you need to present a trustworthy image. B2B copywriting sets a professional tone using industry terms and persuasive language to build confidence and trust with the market. Good copy informs readers of products and services and establishes the brand within the wider market.

Enhance customer retention

Regardless of your industry sector, repeat customers are essential to every business-facing company. Marketing copy allows regular engagement, which breeds familiarity and promotes customer loyalty. B2B copywriting communicates shared values and sets up relationships between companies.

Boost conversion rates

B2B copywriting informs and assists customers, boosting conversion rates by influencing purchasing decisions. The marketing appeal of good copy is undeniable. It can be used to target fresh leads, engage attention, and transform interest into sales. From keywords to website articles and blog posts, B2B copywriting strategies have a direct effect on your bottom line.

Improve the shopping experience

B2B copywriters produce a range of content for e-commerce websites. Wherever it’s published, good copy helps to support buying, selling, and negotiation online. Copywriting can have a positive impact on the shopping experience. When words are used effectively, you can inform customers and direct online transactions.

7 practices for successful B2B copywriting

Whatever your goals, B2B copywriting requires critical focus and consistent effort. It’s important to adopt a flexible approach, testing your results and making changes as needed. For example, some businesses want to increase sales, while others improve their reputation or build business relationships. It doesn’t matter what you sell — all marketing campaigns need to be optimized based on your business goals.

The following seven B2B copywriting strategies are a great place to start:

Research and tailor content for your target audience

When it comes to content creation, you need to think about your audience. This is particularly true with B2B copy, which is often industry-specific and time-sensitive. From the outset, you need to research your target audience to find out what motivates them.

If you want to convince customers of your brand’s value, you need to speak directly to them. With the following questions, you can identify specific segments of the market and target content especially for them:

  • Who is likely to read this content?
  • How does it add value to their lives?
  • Why do they benefit from reading it?

Clarity is essential when producing business copy. Along with the copy itself, you should pay attention to content structure, headings, metadata, and links. To boost credibility, you should always ensure that your data is correct. Check your facts, reference good sources, and integrate data into your copy to create a believable story. While you don’t have to be afraid of using industry jargon, you need to make sure it’s clearly explained.

Realize the importance of structure and headlines

If you want to generate quality business content, it needs to be relevant and add value. B2B copywriting often involves a top-down process, from the structure of the content to the headlines, text, and marketing links.

Engaging headlines are vital to get readers involved, from the top H1 header to the H2, H3, and beyond. When writing headlines, numbers and power keywords like “exclusive” and “industry secret” can be used to great effect.

Bullet lists make an impression within the body of the copy, balancing key concepts with high-impact negative space. Product specifications, industry statistics, and other numbers can also play an important role.

Use storytelling techniques

Stories are central to the human condition, and they’re a fantastic way to make an impression. Words create connections in the brain as the reader looks for familiarity and meaning. While stories are often associated with creative writing formats, they can be used to great effect in a range of business contexts. B2B copywriters don’t have to be boring. Storytelling is capable of transforming dry information into a rich and engaging narrative.

There are lots of ways to use stories in marketing campaigns. Examples include “About Us” pages, social media profiles, and personalized business copy. You can tell people about your vision and values, introduce your team, and highlight your goals to build an emotional connection. Companies often go to extreme lengths to create an engaging brand narrative.


A range of marketing elements can be used in this context. Examples include print and banner advertising, websites, social media platforms, and industry events.

Leverage data creatively

In the world of business, data is (almost) everything. Whether you operate a physical warehouse or sell specialized components online, using information to your advantage is important. In the B2B sector, industry statistics are often used to assert authority and build trust. While creativity still has a role to play, concrete facts help to make the narrative more believable.

When you present relevant business data, you’re convincing readers through the power of reason and logic. For example, industry statistics highlight market size, product specs build confidence, and internal surveys forecast market trends. Whatever type of data you use, you should always cite reputable sources for the sake of credibility.

Highlight benefits and offer value

Regardless of your location or industry sector, B2B marketing is about highlighting benefits. You need to showcase your products and services in the best possible light. You need to show how they benefit customers and deliver tangible value. When your copy focuses on problem-solving, you’re more likely to create a compelling narrative. There are many ways to create value with B2B copywriting strategies. For example, you can give examples, list benefits, and present your product or service as a viable solution.

Instead of just talking about what your product does, you should construct a persuasive story arc that delivers a solution. There are many examples of B2B brands adopting this benefits-driven marketing approach. For example, Knotel wrote about its pop-up showrooms, where customers could see their new workspaces. HubSpot found another way to add value by creating the text-driven HubBot customer service tool. Kabbage also focused on benefits by informing customers of its faster small business loans.

Optimize content for SEO

When you’re building a B2B company, search engine optimization (SEO) is critical. SEO includes various marketing practices to help websites rank organically in search engines. SEO can help to improve website visibility, drive traffic, and build trust with the market. B2B copywriting strategies use SEO to improve visibility on search engines. When you’re selling products and services to other businesses, this is essential.


When you run a specialized B2B company, niche and industry-specific keywords play a vital role. When you adopt the right keywords, you can reach a highly targeted market segment. Dedicated SEO tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google Ads Keyword Planner can be used to optimize content. Local and off-page strategies can also be used to boost visibility in key markets.

You can use various SEO tools to discover the right keywords for your business. This stops you from focusing on the wrong terms and wasting time, money, and resources. The following three SEO tools are key:

  • The keyword difficulty (KD) score shows how hard it would be trying to rank for a specific keyword.
  • Search volume is a metric highlighting how many people are using a particular keyword.
  • The cost per click (CPC) is the financial cost of using a specific keyword in an advertising campaign.

When you know what people are searching for, you can choose the right keywords and tailor your content accordingly. To make sure your copy is recognized by the search engines, it’s also important to incorporate keywords into H1-H5 headings. Along with focusing on keywords, you need to produce content that’s relevant to your business and valuable to your readers.

Adopt A/B testing

The world of online marketing is highly complex. There are lots of moving parts, which makes campaigns very difficult to manage. From internal website articles to external industry copy, publishing lots of material in parallel is common. Whenever you adopt a complex B2B copywriting strategy, it’s important to test your results to see what is and isn’t working.

The significance of A/B testing cannot be overstated. First, it’s important to choose single variables when testing. You also need to identify specific goals and create control and challenger pages. You can run tests by creating different versions of a single page. When doing this, you redirect visitors and compare their behavior to see what’s most effective. When you get it right, smart A/B testing can elevate your marketing campaign and save you lots of time and money.

Final thoughts

If you’re involved in the B2B sector, good copywriting is essential to business success. Quality content offers many benefits. It helps to increase brand awareness, attract customers, and improve the shopping experience. Good copy offers advantages throughout the customer journey. It helps to bring in new leads, boost conversion rates, and improve customer loyalty. To experience these benefits, you need to adopt the right practices.

Successful B2B copywriting requires a considered and multi-pronged approach. From keywords and content to testing and review, it’s important to leverage stories and data to your advantage. When you craft valuable content that resonates with your audience and use professional SEO to maximize search engine rankings, your B2B enterprise will benefit for years to come.

If you want to adopt professional B2B copywriting strategies and give your business a real boost, contact our team to find out more.

Ecommerce Copywriting for Sales Success

If you operate an ecommerce business of any kind, good copy is essential. Quality content attracts visitors, boosts sales, and keeps search engines happy. Writing content for online stores is challenging as trends shift, algorithms change, and human preferences differ from search engines. For these and other reasons , you need to be smart about what you do.

Ecommerce copywriting is key , yet  good content always cuts through:

  • According to a survey by Ahrefs, 76% of marketers say  content marketing generates leads, 63% note its role in nurturing customers , and 50% say  it helps build loyalty with clients .
  • In a survey published by SEMrush, 55% of respondents say  they create more content to boost rankings, and 53% highlight  improving content quality.

In this article, we’ll address all aspects of ecommerce copywriting. Good copy is essential for every step of the customer journey, from making a good first impression to increasing sales and building relationships. If you want to create engaging content for your target audience  and keep the search engines happy, these tips will lead the way.

What is ecommerce copywriting?

Ecommerce copywriting involves creating written content for online stores. This includes various text types like blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions, and online ads. Ecommerce copywriters also create promotional materials,  product manuals, specifications, and technical material. All text  on retail and B2B websites, along with third-party ads and industry content, falls under Ecommerce copywriting.

Writing content for the ecommerce sector can be challenging. Copywriters should engage customers while focusing on Google rankings. Finding the right balance is key, and it’s often harder than it seems. Copywriters need to balance the following types of content:

  • Promotional copy promotes products and brands by addressing customers’ pain points.
  • Non-promotional copy delivers valuable information and advice to educate and engage readers.

Benefits of great copywriting for ecommerce

Effective ecommerce copywriting offers many advantages. These include making good first impressions, strengthening branding, boosting sales, and fostering relationships:

Good first impressions

In the ecommerce sector, first impressions are everything. If you want to engage readers and turn them into customers, your copy needs to make an impact. Content can be used to inform readers and drive sales. For example, product descriptions educate readers prior to purchase, while promotional content addresses pain points and delivers solutions. Whatever products or services you sell, words always make an impression.

Brand differentiation

Quality ecommerce copywriting also aids with branding. Good copy builds your online presence through website articles, blog posts, social media updates, and product sheets. If you want your ecommerce business to stand out, copywriting is very important. With the right content, you can build an authentic brand image that sets you up for success.

Increased sales and conversions

Every business wants to boost their bottom line. Ecommerce copywriting directly affects sales by engaging people’s attention and addressing concerns. Quality copywriting fulfills many functions. It can be used to show products, engage attention, capture leads, or boost transactions.

Stronger customer relationships

Isolated sales only take you so far — you also need to build strong long-term relationships. Once again, quality content has an important role to play in this arena. Good ecommerce writing helps to establish customer bonds, building trust and brand loyalty. Through various channels like blog posts, social media, and email campaigns, ecommerce copywriting fosters connections.

Tips for successful ecommerce copywriting

Not all content is the same, each copy must  add value and resonate with the market. Factors like voice, reviews, data, storytelling, and product keywords are important to consider. The following tips are central to all ecommerce copywriting efforts:

To stay ahead of the market, focus on your customers. Voice of the customer (VoC) programs capture their feedback about your products, services, or brand. These programs use a closed-loop process, with feedback often delivered via the following channels:

  • Reviews
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Social media

When creating new copy, use terminology employed by your customers. Trending terms and slang words maximize  effect, along with regional and age-specific variations. There are many examples of this strategy. But basically, it’s about listening to your customers. When you tune in to the market, you can engage their attention and drive them to take action.

Before you can resonate with your market, you need to adopt a VoC program based on active listening. Analyze reviews to see what people like, browse industry-related social media, and capture specific marketing data via incentivized surveys. By listening to customers, you can understand their needs and meet their expectations. The strategy increases sales and improves customer loyalty for immediate and sustainable gains.

Use unbiased reviews and social proof

A large part of ecommerce copywriting is about building confidence with the market. Competition is tough online, and consumer trust is worth its weight in gold. If you want your readers to spend their hard-earned money, they need to believe in what you do. You can build online trust through reviews,  testimonials, recommendations, and partnerships.


92% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase. And, more reviews result in higher conversion rates. Along with reviews, there are many ways to showcase social proof:

  • Online reviews
  • Customer testimonials
  • Recommendations
  • Social media groups
  • YouTube comments
  • Commercial partnerships

Social proof is everything online. But first, you need to recognize and overcome bias. In addition to promotional copy, focus on creating  valuable content that benefits your readers. This way, they’re more likely to trust you and buy your products. Online reviews and social media are also important, as the content is unbiased and produced by a third party.


Along with social proof, specific trust signals can boost confidence in the market. Ecommerce copywriting often highlights security seals, free returns, and displaying a physical location on your contact page. Even small things can make a difference, and pictures are worth a thousand words. When you include photos of your team, pictures of your premises, or images of past clients, you’re building trust with the market.

Highlight statistics and facts


Ecommerce copywriting relies on hard data. When you’re producing copy for your business, numbers and facts can be used to your advantage. Industry statistics are often used in this context to highlight market trends. Examples include using sales figures to normalize certain products, and the inclusion of data from rivals to showcase a competitive advantage.

Industry statistics are not the only relevant figures, internal data is also effective. For example, you can write about your inventory numbers to showcase the size and scope of your operation. You can also write about your fast shipping times, low rate of product returns, and research and development timelines. Whatever products you sell, facts and statistics are an essential part of delivering information.

According to WordPress, 70% of marketers said content marketing helps to educate their audience.

When using data, it’s important to stay on topic and avoid clichés. Consumers are very sensitive when it comes to statistics, and lazy writing can do more harm than good. Every statistic must be meaningful, and all data should come from a reputable source. You should only use relevant data, current data, and data that’s easy to digest. When used effectively, statistics and facts engage and convince readers through logical reasoning.

Tell Stories and create meaning in ecommerce copywriting

Along with using hard data to bring your point home, it’s equally important to tell stories. Stories have always played a central role in human culture. And they’re a fantastic way to make an impression. As humans seek meaning, storytelling techniques  stimulate the brain and induce an emotional response. No one makes purchasing decisions based on logic alone, so you need to get creative.

For example, telling stories about the research and development phase of your products helps your audience to feel connected. You can tell people how your products came about and what makes them different from the competition. You can also tell stories about your business, letting people know who you are and what you stand for.

There are lots of ways to give your business a presence, especially if you came from humble or unique beginnings. Emotive content can take many forms:

  • About us pages
  • Company history
  • Vision and values
  • Corporate culture
  • Capability statements
  • Team introductions


If you want to get personal, introducing your team can be a great storytelling technique. From the owner and CEO to the admin and cleaning staff, putting a face to your business aids with familiarity. Whatever you do, professional ecommerce copywriters can transform any information into a rich and engaging narrative.

Successful companies use storytelling to create a recognizable brand narrative, a strategy that upcoming businesses can also use. Whatever you want to say, authenticity and consistency are key. The power of storytelling is undeniable, and it presents an opportunity for any business.

Research and integrate keywords

When you’re creating copy for your business, keywords are crucial. When people are searching for information or products online, they use specific search queries. When you adopt these terms in your content, you can appeal directly to this market segment. You can find out what people are searching for, using commercial tools like SEMrush and free ones like Google’s Keyword Planner.

Using keywords effectively is a big part of search engine optimization (SEO). This powerful marketing technique is about ranking organically in the search engines. Ecommerce copywriting depends on keywords to improve visibility and reach highly targeted markets. Using relevant keywords throughout your copy, boosts your website’s rankings and traffic.

According to HubSpot, optimizing your on-page content around target keywords is the most effective strategy for ranking highly in SERPs.

Keywords for organic SEO

There are lots of keywords associated with your business and industry, so you need to be smart about what you target. You can use various SEO tools, such as Ahrefs or Semrush, to find the best keywords for your business. It’s important to consider the following parameters when selecting queries for promotion:

  • Search Volume: Indicates how many people use a specific keyword.
  • Keyword Difficulty: Helps determine how challenging it will be to rank for a particular query in search results.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): Shows the financial expenses for using a specific keyword in an advertising campaign.

For example, while some keywords generate lots of traffic, ranking highly for them on Google is very difficult.

These high-value terms and phrases have a high keyword difficulty score. In most situations, it’s best to avoid them. Instead, it’s more effective to target industry-specific keywords, local keywords, and long-tail keyword combinations. When doing SEO, finding the right keywords is a big part of the battle.

For example, let’s consider the phrase “dog food.” This query has high difficulty, and competing in search networks for it will be challenging.


Nevertheless, we can explore less popular queries, such as “farmina dog food.” Such a key phrase can be used for a pet food store if they carry products from that particular pet food manufacturer. Here, the volume is lower, but the query’s complexity is acceptable.


There are lots of ways to find great keywords. SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz track search queries over time, and allow you to filter results by location. Google Analytics is another great resource, providing insight into customers’ queries for free. When you know which keywords to target, you can create quality content that delivers value to readers and gets positive attention from the search engines.

Keywords for Google Ads


If you want to find keywords for Google Ads and other commercial campaigns, there are different considerations. Instead of avoiding terms with a high difficulty score, you need to embrace these terms on a selective basis. For example, many of the best keywords combine a high difficulty score with a high search volume and low cost per click (CPC). The SEO tools mentioned above can be used to find relevant keywords, and Google’s Quality Score filter can also be a big help. Whether you’re doing organic SEO or a commercial marketing campaign, keywords are paramount.

Highlight product and business benefits in ecommerce copywriting

When you’re crafting content for your website, storefront, or social media pages, you need to think about impact. While using the right keywords is essential, the copy itself is just as important. In most situations, you need to focus on the benefits of the product you’re promoting. Remember, people need a reason to choose your products over the competition. It doesn’t matter what you’re selling — this is the art of ecommerce copywriting.

In most cases, it’s important to address pain points and present solutions to the reader in a closed loop. You can mention specific problems they’re likely to have, and tell them how your product or service is capable of solving these issues. While each product is unique, this basic format is consistent in most marketing campaigns. Ecommerce copywriting is about highlighting benefits, showing your product in the best light, and telling people how it delivers value.

While it’s important to describe products’ features, you also need to create a narrative and induce an emotional response. There are many ways to do this — giving examples, listing benefits, and highlighting unique features. When you focus on benefits, you will engage the attention of your customers and inspire them to take action. Whatever you do, your product needs to stand out from the competition.

If your copy can be used to address product benefits and business advantages. Writing about individual products is not enough. You also need to highlight the advantages of your business. Whether it’s a strong industry reputation, fast shipping times, or friendly customer service, there are lots of ways to differentiate your business. You can boost your sales with catchy headlines, impactful bullet point lists, and persuasive calls to action (CTAs).

Final thoughts

When you operate an ecommerce business, quality copy is essential. It helps to attract visitors, keep search engines happy, and drive sales. Good copy plays a role throughout the customer journey, from making a good impression to differentiating your brand and building relationships. Creating good content is not easy, however. Everything you produce needs to add value to readers while also appealing to search engines.

There are lots of great copywriting tips suitable for ecommerce businesses. Voice replication techniques help you to address customers on their own terms. Reviews and other forms of social proof help to build authority and trust. Using facts and statistics can also be useful, especially when they’re combined with emotive storytelling to build real connections. When writing copy, it’s also important to highlight the benefits of your products to engage readers and drive market action.

All of these strategies are effective when building ecommerce content. If you really want to thrive, however, learning how to integrate keywords with copy is perhaps the most important skill of them all. When you produce valuable copy with relevant and well-chosen keywords, you can attract people who are already invested in what you do. Whatever type of products or services you sell, professional ecommerce copywriters know how to use these tips effectively.

If you want to adopt smart copywriting strategies to boost your ecommerce business, please contact our team to learn more.

Business Blogging Tips to Generate Traffic and Leads

If you operate a business website of any kind, it’s important to access a reliable and consistent source of online traffic. While producing quality products and services is the true foundation of every business, you need energy coming into your business to generate leads and promote sales.

If you’re looking for a repeated source of highly targeted traffic, one method stands above the rest — building a business blog. The following statistics show why blogging for business is such a powerful tool:

Why blogging for businesses is important

Human readers and search engine bots often value the same thing. They want valuable, relevant, and fresh content. Blogs deal with all of these elements.

Whatever industry you’re involved with, blogging for business offers the following benefits: traffic generation, building authority, and converting traffic into leads.

Generate traffic

Creating a blog is an effective way to generate online traffic. When you write valuable posts and publish them on a regular basis, you have a great opportunity to cover lots of keywords. If you produce blog content based on the subjects your customers are searching for, you will get noticed by people and search engines alike. This helps to improve click-through rates, opening up leads and giving you access to more sales opportunities.

Build authority

Business blogging can help make you an authority in your field. Instead of simply listing your products and services, you can inform potential customers about the issues surrounding your business. You can offer knowledge, mention industry trends, and elevate your business in the eyes of the market. Posts that educate customers about particular subjects are often more effective than outright promotions.

Turn traffic into leads

Blog posts are an effective way to transform interest into action. You can speak directly with your audience, building rapport and trust.

Converting traffic from articles into leads can be an effective process using pop-ups and embedded forms. Pop-ups serve as an excellent attention-grabbing tool, encouraging visitors to fill out a form for additional information, resources, or subscriptions. Embedded forms within article text also streamline the data collection process, providing visitors with the opportunity to quickly subscribe or leave their contact details without navigating away from the page

1. Always start your business blog with keyword research

When it comes to blogging for business, the importance of keyword research cannot be overstated. When you identify the search queries used by your customers, you can target these terms directly with your blog posts. Instead of producing content randomly or based on personal interest, you should identify keywords first.

There are lots of keywords associated with each business, so you need to be smart about what you target. For example, while some keywords generate lots of traffic, ranking highly for them on Google can be almost impossible. Depending on the nature of your business, it’s often best to target industry-specific keywords, local keywords, and novel keyword combinations.

Keywords connect businesses with potential customers to drive traffic

While the technical details of SEO cannot be ignored, keywords create a link between market interest, blog content, and product offerings. When you know what your audience is searching for, you can define your content strategy and choose your blog topics accordingly.

Choosing the right keywords is critical

Finding the right keywords is not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it. SEO tools can be used to measure and track search queries over time, including Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, and many others. You can find out what people are searching for and filter results based on your industry and location.


Keyword difficulty, volume, and CPC explained

Not all keywords have the same value. When tracking down keywords to create blog posts, it’s important to look into keyword difficulty, search volume, and CPC data.


Keyword Difficulty measures how challenging it is to rank highly for a specific keyword in search results. KD is assessed on a scale of 0 to 100. The higher the KD value, the more difficult it is to achieve a high ranking in search results for that particular keyword. The difficulty score is calculated based on various factors, such as the number of backlinks, website authority, page word count, and other parameters.

Volume refers to the volume of search queries. This parameter indicates how many times a specific keyword has been entered into a search engine over a specific period, typically on a monthly basis. The higher the volume, the more popular the keyword phrase.

CPC (Cost Per Click) is a metric that indicates the estimated cost of a single click on an advertisement associated with a specific keyword, within the context of advertising campaigns on search engines. It is crucial to consider this metric if you plan to engage in paid advertising. When analyzing keywords for advertising purposes, it is not necessarily essential to factor in their KD — in this case, it is more important to rely on volume and your own advertising budgets.

2. Choose keywords for your business blog to drive organic traffic — low difficulty and high volume

High-traffic keywords are not always suitable for an SEO campaign, and that’s because of a very high Keyword Difficulty (KD). Not every high-volume query has a high KD, but more often than not, that’s the case. If you are not ready to invest in an exhausting struggle for the top 10 positions on a popular keyword against websites that are already authoritative and currently dominate the rankings, it is wiser to choose queries with lower search volume and a lower KD.

Not only are these terms easier to rank for, but they’re also a better way to attract targeted leads.

We will provide an example with the key phrase “digital marketing agency.” If we look up this keyword, we will see the following data:


It has a very large volume but also a very high KD. There is significant competition, and it will require a substantial amount of time and money to break into the top 10.

However, we can add a small clarification, such as “for small business,” and the situation will change:


As you can see, the volume for the key phrase is lower, but the KD is also not the highest — there are much better chances to appear in the top 10.

Why these keywords are important

Regardless of your location or industry sector, there is a relationship between keyword difficulty and traffic volume. While some terms generate more traffic, the likelihood of ranking well for these words is highly unlikely. In contrast, other terms may be relatively easy to rank for, but they generate an insignificant amount of traffic. When doing SEO, getting this balance right is a big part of the battle. The best keywords are the ones with low keyword difficulty and high volume in organic search results.

How to find organic keywords

There are lots of effective ways to track down these excellent keywords, but some expertise is required. When researching keywords, it’s important to analyze the terms your competition and customers use. As mentioned above, it’s important to analyze keyword difficulty and search volume to find the right words for your business.

SEMrush and Ahrefs are powerful tools for business blog management. Both tools provide a direct assessment of keyword difficulty and search volume. Additionally, Ahrefs assists in estimating the approximate number of backlinks needed for your page to appear in the top 10.

Once you have the difficulty score and volume data for each keyword, you can Google it to make sure it’s relevant to your business. Then, you can create a blog piece that’s capable of competing with others in the top three search results. Along with content relevance, quality, and length, it’s important to consider backlinks before publishing the article.

3. Choose keywords for Google Ads — high difficulty, high volume, and low CPC

If the keyword you wish to target is too difficult to rank for organically, you can try using Google Ads. Instead of relying on organic traffic, Google Ads and other platforms allow you to pay for specific keywords. When doing this, you are seeking terms with any keyword difficulty and high volume but low CPC. While these terms can be hard to come by, there are lots of great opportunities out there.


Why these keywords are important

If you choose to pay for commercial ads, you need to leverage keywords to your benefit. According to Google themselves, the best way to build a keyword list is to:

  • Think like one of your customers.
  • Target customers for specific products.
  • Use general keywords related to your business.
  • Group related keywords for different ads.
  • Use symbols in keywords to split terms.

When you have a list, it’s important to measure keyword difficulty against cost. You can target difficult words with high volumes using Google Ads, but this approach normally comes at a price. Instead, tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can be used to identify and track relevant search terms with low CPC.

How to find keywords for ads

When you’re blogging for business, it’s important to reduce your expenses with high-value, low-competition keywords. There are lots of ways to find these terms, with different methods available during the research and bidding stages.

Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to search for keywords. When searching for queries for advertising, focus on volume and CPC.

Expand your advertising campaign with long-tail keywords. These words often have lower competition but can also generate valuable traffic that converts into leads.

Identify and include negative keywords to filter out unwanted traffic.
If necessary, add location-based keywords to target local audiences.
Work with Google Ads and explore what the platform can offer you. Often, it can suggest really good keyword options based on your campaign settings.

Check these keywords in Ahrefs or SEMrush by measuring their volume and CPC. Review the intent of surrounding content to ensure its relevance, and create an expert article on the topic with a catchy title. Once you’ve captured the attention of your target audience with the article itself, you can launch a Google Ads campaign to drive traffic and create pop-ups to turn visitors into leads.

Unlock Your SEO Potential: Enhance Your Strategy with Precision Keyword Research

  • Manual Keyword Research: Our SEO specialist conducts meticulous keyword research, aligning your content with the actively sought-after queries of potential clients.
  • Top-Tier SEO Tools: By harnessing the power of Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner, we extract valuable insights from your industry, identifying unique opportunities to set your services apart.
  • Thorough Keyword Analysis: We conduct a comprehensive examination of your website and your competitors’, pinpointing distinctive opportunities to elevate the performance of your services.
  • Strategic Keyword Recommendations: Tailoring our recommendations to your niche, we provide 20 to 50 essential terms that can significantly boost organic traffic to your website by capitalizing on lower competition.

4. Write with the customer journey in mind

Google’s algorithms may be shrouded in mystery, but its intentions are crystal clear. More than anything else, Google wants to promote a positive customer experience. When you’re building a blog or creating content of any kind, it’s vital to keep this in mind. Instead of trying to trick the search engines or guessing how they work, focusing on the customer journey is a clear pathway to success. Try to identify each stage of this journey, crafting unique content to capture attention, funnel interest, and promote action among your readers.

Explore and address key pain points

If you want the attention of the market, you need to reach out to them on their own terms. While the details of this process vary widely based on the nature of your business, the underlying mechanism is the same. You want to find, address, and target specific pain points to motivate action and drive sales.

A pain point is nothing more or less than a problem that your audience faces. To identify these points, you can talk to existing clients and look at Google reviews and forums to get a read on your target audience. When blogging for business, you need to identify these issues and present your products and services as a solution.

Analyze your competitors

When you’re mapping the customer journey, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Even niche industries have competition, and there’s a lot you can learn by researching their approach. Find out who your biggest competitors are, learn how they structure their content, and use this information to brief writers and designers. Understanding how your competitors work is an effective blog strategy for any business.

Unveil Competitor Strategies: Elevate Your Approach with Precision Competitor SEO Audit

  • Analysis of competitors’ strategy – Learn how to surpass your competitors by excelling in their strategies.
  • Disavow link analysis – Identify harmful toxic links affecting your website and remove them.
  • Organic traffic analysis – Discover the reasons your web pages aren’t on the first page and strategies to achieve that position.
  • Guest post evaluation – Uncover the essential backlinks required to maintain a lead over your primary rivals.

5. Implement on-page SEO to build organic traffic

Many SEO tips for business blogs focus on organic traffic through on-page tweaks. Keyword research is the starting point, but there are lots of creative ways to find, engage, and motivate your market. From how you structure your blog to breadcrumbs, pagination, and metadata, the following SEO elements are among the most powerful.

Structure your content

Creating a strong headline (H1) for each blog post is not enough. You also need to include subheadings, which are organized by hierarchy from H2 down to H6. Long blog posts are likely to feature H1 to H4, and shorter posts may only include H1 and H2. Along with these simple formatting elements, you can also structure blog posts by focusing on design, images, media, bullet point lists, and paragraph structure.


Use breadcrumbs and pagination

When it comes to crafting a blog, navigation is the key to usability. Breadcrumbs offer a visual map of your website’s structure, helping your readers to move between blog posts and product pages with ease.


Pagination is another navigation concept, describing a sequence of connected pages with similar content. Both of these tools promote on-page SEO and a better user experience.


Create catchy and unique meta titles and descriptions

Back-end optimization is central to many blogging tips. Meta tags are simple code snippets that inform search engines about the content of your blog.

Title tags name your page, and meta description tags describe your page to search engines. Meta titles work best around 50-60 characters in length, and meta descriptions up to 165 characters.

Meta title tags can be displayed as part of search engine snippets, so it’s important to keep them relevant and write them well. According to Google, meta descriptions can also be used in snippets if Google thinks “they give users a more accurate description than can be taken directly from the page content.


6. Focus on backlinks for effective off-page SEO

SEO is often split into on-page SEO and off-page SEO. The former is focused on the internal structure and content of your blog, and the latter is about how you connect to other websites. Google identifies and rates linking structures through its Search Quality Rater Guidelines, which are often described with the EAT acronym — expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

Backlinks from established sites help to promote trust, and blogs have an important role to play. Key blog posts add fresh quality content, attracting backlinks and boosting SEO. HARO can be a great way to receive quality backlinks, with this service connecting journalists with expert sources for the benefit of both. This can be a very effective addition to a blog strategy for business.

Craft posts for high-authority websites

If you want to receive backlinks from quality sources, you need to produce quality content. One of the best ways to promote a business blog is to write posts for other authority pages. You can also reach out to industry websites asking for links and use specialist services that offer backlinks. Editorial links that haven’t been asked for or paid for are best, but they can be very difficult for a small business to get.

Always avoid low-quality backlinks

When it comes to backlinks, quality is more important than quantity. To determine your EAT value, Google measures the quality of incoming links based on their relevance and origin. While it may seem enticing, getting lots of low-quality backlinks does more harm than good. Even if you receive short-term benefits, your blog is likely to face long-term penalties. As your business blog is linked to your company website, poor-quality links can have an adverse effect on your entire operation.

To ensure quality backlinks, you need to focus on relevance. The highest quality backlinks use relevant keywords within the anchor text, and they come from related businesses or organizations. One effective strategy is to produce a valuable resource or become a trusted source of information. For example, writing a small web app that other businesses link to because it helps their customers, or delivering insights into industry trends before the competition.

To identify that a website has low quality and is definitely not suitable for publication, you can use special plugins and services that automatically detect the trust levels of search engines towards sites. You can utilize Ahrefs to determine the Domain Rating (DR) of websites. DR is a metric that allows you to assess the authority of a domain in the eyes of search engines. The higher the score, the better. We recommend obtaining links from sites with a DR of at least 40.


Also, analyze the site independently. Check the correctness of the layout and loading speed, and look for the presence of advertisements (too much is not good). Try using search to find articles on the site with prohibited topics (e.g., casinos). If the site has good metrics, no dubious publications, and its content is relevant to the theme of your resource, consider the possibility of placing a publication with a link on it.

Posting links on forums and social media can also be effective, but they need to be relevant to your products, industry, or location.

To remove low-quality backlinks, you should periodically collect your backlink data with SEMrush or Ahrefs, disavow or ask Google not to use certain links, and track your links over time to make sure they’re clean.

Working with an SEO partner is a great way to ensure quality links, as they can leverage existing relationships with third-party websites.

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7. Implement lead generation tools

As mentioned above, SEO involves three separate stages. Once you have captured the attention of your audience via keywords and engaged their interest with content, you need to transform this interest into action. There are lots of great lead generation tools out there, with various techniques used to engage your readers and push them into your sales pipeline.

Use smart pop-ups and embedded CTAs


Lead generation tools are designed to capture contact information and deliver it to your marketing and sales teams. Smart pop-ups are a great option, popping up over your main browser window to capture attention at defined moments. Pop-ups with CTAs can be displayed to potential customers based on programmed triggers, such as specific exit points, time on site, and defined scrolling behavior. They can be used to capture emails, offer codes and discounts, or promote new products and services.

Integrate chat widgets for defined readers

Along with pop-ups, chat widgets can be a great way to capture leads. You can personalize these widgets for your specific site and audience. For example, if people have scrolled 50% of a blog article, they are invested in your message and more likely to offer their contact details. Instead of annoying your entire audience by adding widgets indiscriminately, you can appeal directly to a targeted market segment. When doing on-page SEO, small details like this make all the difference.


Blogging tips for businesses — putting it all together

Creating a blog is one of the smartest ways to generate traffic and get leads for your business. It gives you a unique opportunity to create consistent, high-quality content related to your industry. Not only does this enhance the user experience, but it also gives Google and other search engines a clear and obvious reason to index and rank your website.

With the following blogging tips for businesses, your blog can become a powerful SEO tool:

  • Conduct keyword research.
  • Drive organic traffic — low difficulty, high volume.
  • Implement Google Ads — high difficulty and volume, low CPC.
  • Focus on the customer journey.
  • Use smart on-page SEO tactics.
  • Get backlinks for off-page SEO.
  • Use lead generation tools.

When you implement these blogging tips, you can get ahead of the competition. As the internet gets increasingly saturated with content, creating a business blog makes more sense than ever before.

As the use of AI content grows, there are more and more questions about the ownership and rights of this type of content. The Get A Copywriter team conducted an extensive investigation into this matter to answer the most common questions and find out if there’s a safe way to use AI writing tools.

But what exactly is AI content? Get an overview of what this type of writing is and how it works.

AI generated content: trend or delusion?

Why ownership of content is important

Under general copyright law, creative content (whether that’s written content, images, video, or other types of content) is considered to be the intellectual property of the person who created it.

However, when a business hires an agency or freelancer to create content, both parties will usually sign an agreement giving the business the rights to the content they purchased. Similarly, if an in-house writer creates content for a company, the business owns all of the rights to that content, not the writer.

Being clear about content ownership when you’re running a business is vital. If you don’t own the rights to your content, then you can’t use it legally. If you publish content you don’t own the rights to, the copyright owner could take legal action against you.

Content ownership definition

A content owner is a person or company who has the exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, and distribute creative content. This also includes any derivatives of that content.

Content ownership is different from copyright. Copyright is a legal protection given to creators of original works, which grants them certain rights. On the other hand, content ownership is an agreement between two parties (typically the creator and the buyer) that establishes who has the right to use a certain piece of content.

Understanding content ownership

Content ownership has become a hot topic in recent years due to the rise in popularity of social media and content-sharing platforms like Medium.

The rules around content ownership are complicated by these platforms. If you created the content, you own the copyright: that much is certain. But if you post your content on platforms like Medium, does the platform own it? Can other people repost or use your content without permission?

And if you use a tool or software to help you create that content, the situation becomes even more complicated. Who owns the content you’ve created with AI — you or the software provider?

Ownership rights of digital content

When it comes to digital content ownership, there are a few factors that need to be taken into consideration:

  • Who created the content — Are you the original creator? If not, did you purchase the rights to use it?
  • Who is hosting the content — If you’re using a content-sharing platform or social media platform, then they may own certain elements of the content that you post.
  • Are you using software or tools to create your content? — If so, who owns the copyright on any content generated with these tools?

Ownership rights of website content

If you host content on a website, then you typically own all of the rights to that content. This includes any text, images, videos, and other elements.

However, if you use third-party services (such as web hosting companies or content management systems) to host your website, then they may have some ownership over certain parts of your website’s content.

It’s important to check the terms and conditions of any third-party services you use to fully understand the ownership rights of any content you host on your website.

Ownership rights of social media content

When it comes to social media content, ownership rights can be more complicated.

Each social media platform has terms and conditions you agree to when you create an account, and these usually state that the platform has some ownership rights to the content you post.

This means that while you do own the copyright to your content, the platform may have certain rights over it as well. Social media platform like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram do not claim ownership of your content. But, by using them, you grant them a license to use, copy, and distribute that content. In some cases, they can even sell the license to third parties.

AI vs. AI and writer vs. professional writers:
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AI data ownership: issues and concerns

AI-generated content is a relatively new topic, and the rules surrounding ownership are still being worked out.

EU and US copyright laws currently do not allow for copyrighting content created by AI. This is because a content creator has to be human or a “legal personality” (a person with legal rights on behalf of a company). As AI content is created by an algorithm, it doesn’t fit either of these criteria. Australian copyright law will also only grant copyright to literary or artistic works “made by a human author.”

However, this rule only applies if the content is created solely by AI. Once this content is changed with human editing, it can be copyrightable — and the human editor (or the company they work for) would become the owner of the content.

There are also ethical concerns around ownership of data generated by AI tools. AI algorithms often use data from a variety of sources that may be owned or copyrighted by others. As such, it may be classed as a derivative work. But, without knowing the source, it would be impossible to credit the original owners.

AI content writing risks

There are still a lot of murky waters when it comes to AI content writing and copyright. As a content creator or publisher, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved with using AI-generated content in your own work.

  1. Firstly, there’s always the risk that someone else could claim ownership rights over the content you create with AI. This means that if you unintentionally plagiarize someone else’s work, you may be liable for copyright infringement.
  2. As you’re using third-party AI services, you may be subject to their terms and conditions. This means that they could own the rights to any content you create with their AI tools.
  3. Most AI tools available today are known for their tendency to “hallucinate” or state incorrect information as facts. This means there is a high risk of publishing inaccurate content if you leave AI-generated content unchecked.
  4. Finally, in order to claim copyright on your AI content, you must be able to prove that it was created with “substantial human input.” If you don’t have evidence to support this, you may not be able to protect your content from being copied and used by others.
Does Google penalize AI content?

Determining ownership of AI-generated content

So who does own AI content? Ultimately, it’s down to the terms and conditions of the platform you’re using.

Ask ChatGPT who owns the content it generates and it will tell you something like: “As an AI language model, I do not have any ownership over the content that I generate.” That doesn’t really explain much, but the OpenAI terms of use state that they will not claim copyright over any content created with their API.

Jasper’s terms and conditions are less clear, although the CEO has confirmed that they also give up all rights to AI content generated by their platform.

It’s important to note that there’s nothing stopping any AI platform from changing its terms and conditions at any time. So make sure you read the fine print before you sign up, and stay aware of any changes that might affect your ownership rights.

And with all that being said, there’s always a possibility that the content you create with AI is not unique. If AI creates the same piece of content for two users, who will own the copyright? There have also been cases of AI tools copying content word for word from other sources, so there’s no guarantee that you can claim ownership without substantial editing.

Is your content really yours?

In conclusion, AI-generated content is still a relatively new and uncharted area when it comes to ownership, intellectual property rights, and copyright law.

There’s no denying the advantages that AI offers. For some simple copywriting tasks like writing short descriptions, AI can do a good enough job if used in combination with a human editor. This is an easy way to solve the problems related to ownership, copy accuracy, and uniqueness while still benefiting from the speed and convenience of AI.

While the legal complexities are still being ironed out, there’s only one way to make sure that your content is really yours: either write it yourself or hire a human copywriter to create it or edit it for you and give you full rights to the content.

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Do you want to take advantage of the benefits of AI-generated content? Not all tools are created equal. Find out how to choose the best AI content generation tools for your needs and how best to use them.

But what exactly is AI content and what advantages does it offer? Understand the technology behind AI-generated content and how you can make it work for you.

AI generated content: trend or delusion?

Are AI copywriting tools worth using?

If you work in any aspect of digital marketing or online publishing, you can’t have missed the hype surrounding ChatGPT, Jasper, and other AI copywriting tools.

These AI writing assistants promise to save time, money, and effort by generating content ideas and even complete pieces of copy. But are they really worth using? Or do the risks outweigh the advantages?

AI vs. AI and writer vs. professional writers:
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The quick answer is that it depends on how you use these tools and what you’re trying to achieve. If you’re hoping that AI will take over the entire process of content generation so you can fire your writing team, you’re going to be disappointed. AI is not a replacement for human copywriters.

However, artificial intelligence does work well as an assistant to a human writer. It can be a fantastic tool for helping the creative process and suggesting direction for content ideas and structure.

You can also use AI to speed up content production by creating content outlines, generating headline ideas, and writing meta descriptions and short pieces of copy.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the most popular AI copywriting and content creation tools available today.

The best AI copywriting tools

There are new AI copywriting tools appearing every day. Some of them can be very useful, while you may want to avoid others. Here are a few of the top-rated AI content writing tools you might want to consider:


Jasper (formerly known as Jarvis) made headlines when it became one of the first AI tools to hit “unicorn” status, meaning it was valued at over $1 billion.

While Jasper now includes a chatbot similar to ChatGPT, its main interface is a freeform text editor that takes commands written in plain English and writes paragraphs of copy based on the instructions it’s given.

Jasper also comes with several content templates to assist in producing different types of copy, such as product descriptions, social media posts, and blog articles.

Jasper features

  • Templates based on popular copywriting frameworks such as AIDA
  • A one-shot blog post template that will generate an entire blog post with an introduction, body, and conclusion
  • Option to specify the tone of voice, such as “friendly” or “informative,” or even a specific person such as “Joe Rogan”
  • “Boss mode” feature that allows for long-form content creation in an editor similar to Google Docs
  • Chrome extension that enables you to use Jasper anywhere you write on the web
  • Built-in integration with Surfer SEO
  • Supports over 29 languages (although the official word is it’s trained more “thoroughly” in English)


Jasper pricing is based on the number of words you generate each month, with plans starting from $49 a month for 50,000 words.

Pros and cons of Jasper for AI copywriting


  • Generally good quality writing output
  • Wide selection of templates and use cases
  • Integration with Surfer SEO helps to speed up and optimize content production
  • Lots of video tutorials and user-generated tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the tool


  • Price is based on word count and more expensive than its competitors
  • Copy can be generic and doesn’t go into detail
  • Content repetition is common
  • Facts are often incorrect
  • Plagiarism detector costs additional credits to use

Writesonic is an easy-to-use AI copywriting tool designed to make content creation faster and more efficient. Aimed at marketers, small business owners, and website publishers, it gives users the ability to generate entire pieces of content at the click of a button.

The template-based interface allows users to quickly produce content such as landing pages, CTAs, Amazon product descriptions, and blog posts. It also includes specific templates to generate content for social media platforms including Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok.

Writesonic features

  • Large library of templates designed to help you create content for specific business and marketing purposes such as a social media content plan or company mission
  • Paraphrasing tool for rewriting content
  • Quickly generate ideas for blog content and articles
  • Surfer SEO integration
  • Trained on copy from some of the world’s top brands (unfortunately, the company doesn’t specify which brands!)


Somewhat uniquely, Writesonic allows you to adjust the quality of the content produced from “economy” to “premium” and pricing changes accordingly. Content generated at economy level is generally simpler and similar to what you might expect from a non-native writer, while premium content is more creative and uses a wider vocabulary. Plans start from $12.67 a month for 19,000 words at the premium level and 190,000 words at the economy level.

Pros and cons of Writesonic for AI copywriting


  • Easy to use without needing to follow extensive training
  • Templates designed specifically for producing marketing and business copy
  • Surfer SEO integration is a bonus if you already use this tool


  • Cheaper content levels are low-quality
  • There are word limits on the plans, so if you’re generating a lot of content, you’ll end up paying more than if you chose a tool with unlimited plans; the cheapest plan level at premium quality includes only 75,000 words, and you pay even for content you don’t use
  • No plagiarism detector or checking for duplicated content markets itself as a tool to overcome writer’s block, with promises to help writers write blog posts 10x faster and assist business owners in crafting more compelling copy.

The tool is designed mainly for writing blog posts, emails, and social media posts, and it’s very easy to get started with a step-by-step wizard that asks for details about your brand and products before spitting out a selection of auto-generated content. is very clear that the copy you generate with the tool is not intended to be published as is, and you should rather use it as a starting point to edit, refine, and expand upon. features

  • Specific templates for different types of content, such as listicles, how-to blogs, and email nurture sequences
  • AI workflow automation to speed up content production
  • Creates copy designed to be optimized for high conversions
  • Social media caption and description generator for all the major platforms

Pricing offers a free plan that allows you to generate up to 2,000 words a month. Paid plans start at $36 a month. The major benefit of over its competitors is that the pro plans offer unlimited words, so you can generate as much content as you wish without having to pay extra for it.

Pros and cons of for AI copywriting


  • Unlimited content generation for a reasonable price
  • Templates help to produce specific types of content rather than just paragraphs
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface


  • Facts are often incorrect and must be checked before you can use the content
  • Quality of generated content is variable
  • Long-form content generator needs improvement

The best AI tools to rewrite content

There are many reasons why you might want to rewrite content, from simply wanting to redraft a piece of copy in a more engaging way to replicating an entire blog post while ensuring it’s not at risk of duplicate content penalties.

Most AI tools offer some sort of paraphrasing feature to help you quickly redraft content and make it undetectable by tools like Copyscape. However, publishing someone else’s content that you’ve rewritten is ethically problematic, even if it can’t currently be detected by an automated tool. If you choose to use this kind of content on your website, it’s possible the copyright owner of the original content could take legal action. Google also takes a dim view of this practice, so you may be at risk of search engine penalties if they’re able to detect it at some point in the future.

The main benefits of using one of these tools are that the AI can understand sentence structure, so the result should be readable (unlike the article spinners of the early days of SEO), and it’s much faster than manually copyediting a piece of content. But because of the issues previously mentioned, it’s best to stick to rewording your own content.


While Wordtune can also create content from scratch, its main focus is to help you quickly rewrite pieces of existing copy as unique content with varying options to lengthen or shorten the copy or give it a new tone of voice.

Wordtune also comes with a Chrome extension for summarizing long-form text, which will take the main points from a blog post, academic paper, or report and produce a short summary. This can be a very useful tool for speeding up research and helping you to understand complex topics.


  • Add “spices” to your text by adding a joke, fact, or analogy to make it more engaging
  • Includes Chrome extension to find synonyms for words you write in emails, social media, and other places on the web
  • Rewrite function makes content original to avoid plagiarism
  • Summarize long text and YouTube videos


Wordtune offers a free plan, which allows you to rewrite 10 short pieces of copy a day. Premium plans start from $9.99 a month with unlimited rewrites of whole paragraphs and all the features.

Pros and cons of Wordtune for rewriting content


  • Change the tone of text or add extra touches at the click of a button
  • Content summarizer speeds up online research time
  • Chrome extensions mean you can use the tool wherever you write on the web
  • Useful for checking the grammar and spelling of your content


  • It’s only possible to rewrite short pieces of content at a time
  • Chrome extension can be buggy
  • Works only with English content

QuillBot is an AI-powered paraphrasing tool that helps you quickly rewrite content to improve grammar and fluency, change the tone of the text, or add more creative ideas.

The tool also includes a plagiarism checker, which will identify any duplicate content and suggest ways to rewrite it or instantly add an accurate citation.


  • Translate between over 100 languages
  • Summarize text into key sentences
  • Generate citations from web pages, journal articles, or books
  • Expand, shorten, or improve text in several ways
  • Check for grammar errors and plagiarism all in one tool


There’s a free version of QuillBot with limited functionality. The premium version includes the plagiarism checker and can paraphrase unlimited text and summarize up to 600 words. Plans start from $8.33 a month.

Pros and cons of QuillBot for rewriting content


  • Summarizer tool is helpful for getting the gist of long-form content
  • Works in multiple languages and can be used as a translation tool
  • Spelling and grammar checker built-in
  • Can automatically include citations from the web and books


  • No AI content generation features included
  • Character limitations in the paraphrasing tool
  • Plagiarism detection tool costs extra

WordAi is a content rewriter that uses AI to restructure sentences, simplify copy into shorter sentences, fix incorrect spelling and grammar, and optimize web content by adding LSI keywords.

The tool also claims to avoid detection by humanizing content so it won’t be flagged as being generated by AI (we’ve not tested these claims).


  • Bulk rewrite content
  • Each article can be rewritten up to 1,000 times
  • Integration with Article Forge to import articles directly
  • Improve the quality and clarity of poorly written text


WordAi plans start from $27 a month.

Pros and cons of WordAi for rewriting content


  • Import content in bulk for rewriting
  • Can be useful for improving content written by non-native writers


  • Rewritten content is not always unique
  • Outputs may require proofreading and editing
  • Limited support for languages other than English

The best AI content detection tools

If you choose to use AI-generated content on your website, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks.

Google has stated that automated content generation can be seen as a form of spam and can lead to action being taken against your website, such as penalties or even getting deindexed from search results.

Does Google penalize AI content?

You should also keep in mind that you can’t copyright AI-generated content unless it’s been edited significantly by a human. So, if someone copies your AI-generated text, you won’t be able to take any legal action.

For these reasons, it’s important to run any content you produce through an AI detection tool to protect your brand and reputation.


This tool was built with web publishers in mind, unlike other plagiarism detectors that are intended mainly for academic content. You can scan any type of document or web copy for duplicated text and AI-generated text at the touch of a button. The accuracy of Originality.AI has been measured at over 94%, depending on the tool that was used to create the content.

Pricing: $0.01 per credit, 1 credit scans 100 words

Pros and cons of Originality.AI for detecting AI-generated content


  • High level of accuracy
  • Can be used with emails, documents, web content, and more
  • Can detect content produced by GPT-3.5


  • Credit-based pricing can be expensive if you have a lot of content to check
  • Plagiarism detector needs work, as it doesn’t pick up copied content that is detected in other tools
  • Only supports English content

GPTZero claims to be “the world’s #1 AI detector” with over a million users. The tool will scan text you paste in and give you scores based on randomness and variation to give you an overall determination of whether it’s been created by a human or an AI. Sentences more likely to be written by AI are also highlighted.

Pricing: Free

Pros and cons of GPTZero for detecting AI-generated content


  • Free to use
  • Accurately detects content produced by ChatGPT


  • May not detect content produced by other AI tools
  • No way to bulk-check content

The best AI content idea generators

Perhaps one of the best use cases of AI when it comes to content creation is for idea generation. We’ve all had those times when we’re just stuck for ideas for the next blog post. And browsing the web for inspiration is time-consuming, not to mention the fact that everyone keeps publishing the same ideas over and over again.

You can use AI as a brainstorming assistant to generate new ideas in seconds. As well as blog post headlines, email subject lines, and ideas for social media campaigns, you can also use AI to generate new angles on the same topics.


ChatGPT is probably the most well-known tool on this list and is responsible for transforming AI content generation from a niche concept to one that is now widely used.

Developed by the team at OpenAI, ChatGPT is essentially an advanced chatbot. Simply ask it a question or give it an instruction and it will generate content outlines, topic ideas, headlines, and even complete pieces of copy.

ChatGPT Features

  • Conversational interface enables users to ask questions on almost any topic and carry out a convincing conversation; it remembers topics and can follow along with the conversation, like a human
  • Text generation uses natural language processing to mimic content written by humans
  • Ability to research and answer questions from its database
  • Generate ideas for content quickly, including topics, headlines, and outlines
  • Supports over 90 languages


ChatGPT is currently in the beta phase and is free to use. OpenAI has recently announced the launch of ChatGPT Plus — a subscription plan that will cost $20 a month and give users better response times and more features.

Pros and cons of ChatGPT for generating content ideas


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Free
  • Instantly generate ideas for any niche, industry, or content type


  • System is frequently down
  • Has no live access to the web, and answers are based on outdated information
Surfer SEO

Surfer is a little bit different from most of the tools on this list, as it combines a keyword research tool with the power of AI to help you create content that’s more likely to rank and perform well.

Enter your primary keyword and the tool will analyze millions of pages to recommend new topic clusters and ideas for related content. It then uses AI to generate an outline of your post, including headings, keywords, and even whole paragraphs of text that you can add to your own content.

Surfer SEO features

  • Research keyword opportunities to find hot topics and ideas for related content
  • AI-powered article outline generator that creates a whole structure for your content
  • Automated tips to improve SEO of every piece of content
  • New article ideas delivered every week
  • Integration with Jasper if you want more AI assistance with writing
  • Built-in plagiarism detector


From $49 a month for up to 2 websites, 240 page audits a year, and 120 articles a year, with unlimited keyword research and content ideas.

Pros and cons of Surfer SEO for generating content ideas


  • Helpful for improving SEO and speeding up content planning
  • Can be integrated with Jasper for AI content creation
  • Helps you to create content on topics that are likely to be successful


  • Expensive to use
  • Ideas are based on already-published content and so may lack originality

This is another tool that combines content optimization software with AI text generation to help you to come up with new ideas for content and improve the SEO of your web copy in a single platform.

NeuralText aims to improve on existing SEO tools by using the power of natural language processing to speed up the process of creating content for your website and improving the chance of it achieving a high ranking in Google and other search engines.


  • Keyword clustering tool to reduce time spent researching keywords and content ideas
  • AI-powered SEO content brief generation
  • Replaces manual competitor research
  • Get relevant, real user questions sourced from Quora, Google Suggest, and other sources
  • Automatically include statistics and data in content
  • Generate content ideas, blog post titles, content hooks, slogans, and ideas for social media content in seconds


From $19 a month for up to 20,000 words of AI-generated content and 2,000 keyword suggestions.

Pros and cons of NeuralText for generating content ideas


  • More cost-effective than using multiple tools for keyword research and content planning
  • Speeds up market research and competitor analysis
  • Built-in templates for generating headlines and content for social media and the web


  • Steep learning curve to understanding all the tools and features
  • Quality of AI-generated text is poor
Who owns AI generated content?

How to improve AI content generation using these tools

Using AI tools for content creation can be a great way to speed up the process and get more ideas and inspiration when you’re drawing a blank, but it’s important to remember that AI is no substitute for human intelligence and creativity.

Rather than relying on AI to do all the work, it’s best to use it as a writing aid instead of a content generator. Some of the new breeds of AI tools are very effective for content ideation and improving SEO without the risk of churning out low-quality, plagiarized content.

With careful use of these AI-powered tools, you’ll have access to an arsenal of features designed specifically for optimizing your web copy and creating high-quality content quickly. There’s no denying that AI offers many opportunities in today’s competitive digital marketplace. But never forget that there’s still no substitute for a skilled writer and that originality, creativity, and human expertise are all key ingredients for success.

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AI-generated SEO content is the web’s latest trend, but what exactly are the pros and cons of using copy created by AI? And does Google penalize AI content?

Does AI content rank in Google?

Ever since AI-writing tools like ChatGPT began to amaze and disturb the web in equal measure, digital marketing experts and business owners alike have been asking themselves if AI content will rank well in search engines.

The short answer is yes, AI-generated content can rank on Google. But there are several caveats.

Google recently released a statement confirming its views on AI content, after much speculation and debate. Essentially, Google said it took no stance on the use of AI-generated content; instead, it focuses on the quality of content produced by any tool or technology.

The search engine encourages web publishers to create “helpful, reliable, people-first” content and promises to reward such content with higher rankings.

Anyone who’s used an AI writing tool may recognize one immediate cause for concern on this list: reliability.

Generally speaking, AI’s output can be inaccurate and, in some cases, completely false. AI technology uses sophisticated algorithms to emulate content that a human would write. But as of the current time, most tools don’t have any systems in place for checking that the text they write is actually correct.

AI generated content: trend or delusion?

Google also warns that auto-generating content for the purpose of manipulating search engine rankings is against its spam guidelines. And yes, that means AI SEO content writing.

Essentially, if you’re using AI to bulk-generate content for the purpose of stuffing keywords or keyword phrases into a page in order to boost rankings, Google will almost certainly notice and respond accordingly.

Overall, it appears that AI technology is not facing an outright ban from Google’s search engine. But as always, if you’re using AI to generate content for SEO purposes, make sure you check it carefully for accuracy and ensure it adds value to the reader before publishing.

Is AI-generated content good for SEO?

AI tools can certainly be helpful when it comes to content optimization. By analyzing and understanding the content of a document, AI technology can detect keywords and phrases and suggest ways to improve readability for both humans and search engine bots.

However, it’s important to remember that automated tools are only meant to be used as an aid in creating content. They should not replace human input when it comes to producing quality SEO content.

Most AI tools on the market right now will lean towards keyword-stuffing when asked to include particular terms in an article. This is why it’s so important to review content created by AI tools with a human editor before publishing.

If you use AI as an assistant to help you improve the SEO of your content, it can speed up the process, improve your efficiency, and make sure you include all of the important keywords. But when it comes to putting together a well-written, informative article that also helps boost your search engine rankings, there’s no replacement for a human writer.

Disadvantages of AI content for SEO

We’ve already touched on a couple of the drawbacks of relying on AI software to write content for SEO purposes.
But it’s important to consider all the potential issues before using a tool for AI SEO writing. AI-generated content is a relatively new technology and, as such, is still largely unregulated.
It’s probable that guidelines, regulations, and laws around the use of AI content will start appearing in the next few years. Until then, it’s critical to stay aware of the risks and take steps to ensure you’re using AI in a way that is unlikely to damage your business or your reputation in the future.

Inaccurate and misleading content

As mentioned above, accuracy is a huge problem in most existing AI writing tools. All facts, data, references, and other factual information included in AI-generated content must be carefully checked and double-checked before being published.

Google is constantly striving to provide the best possible user experience for searchers, and being given incorrect information or made-up facts would definitely not meet that goal. Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that the content you put online is factually correct, or it runs the risk of being flagged and earning you a penalty.

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Unnatural language

Another issue with AI-generated content is its tendency to be overly keyword-dense, as well as its lack of natural language flow. This can make any content generated this way appear robotic and unreadable, which won’t do your search engine rankings any favors.

Google has previously issued several algorithm updates penalizing “over-optimization,” so don’t make the mistake of letting the AI take over. Content written for humans (and by humans) is always better for SEO than content written for search engines.

Potential plagiarism and duplicate content

AI-generated articles are often built from pieces of text that already exist online, which may put your website at risk of plagiarism or duplicate content penalties.

It’s also possible that two different people entering the same prompt into an AI tool could end up with nearly identical articles. This could spell disaster for your SEO if your site is the weaker and less authoritative of the two.

Uninspiring content that lacks creativity and flair

Great SEO content is about more than just keywords. The most successful articles online are written by talented writers who know how to tell a story and capture the attention of their audience.

These articles are rewarded with clicks, likes, shares, and links: all clear indicators to Google and other search engines that the content is important, authoritative, and valuable.

AI content, on the other hand, can often be dry and uninspiring. It may get the job done, but it won’t do anything to engage your audience or keep them coming back for more.

While AI-generated SEO content might achieve a decent ranking for a low-competition keyword, it won’t perform as well for more competitive phrases.

How to use AI content on your site without harming your SEO

An AI writing assistant can be a valuable tool when used correctly. AI can speed up your content production, offer optimization advice, and help you come up with new content ideas. But relying on pure AI-generated content for your website is a recipe for disaster.

Here are our top tips for ensuring that your use of AI content is helping rather than hindering your website’s search engine rankings:

  • Always check content for accuracy and readability: Don’t just publish what the AI tool gives you. Make sure all facts and data are correct and double-check for grammar, spelling, and natural language flow.
  • Don’t give AI writing tools your keywords: AI SEO content generators love to overstuff keywords. Instead, let the AI tool generate a first draft with basic prompts and then expand on and optimize it yourself.
  • Add your own stories, ideas, and experiences: Humanize the content by adding a bit of your own personality. This makes it more engaging to read and more likely to be shared.
  • Consider other uses of AI: AI can help you find powerful keywords, outline article structures, and suggest content ideas. These uses are far less risky than relying on it to generate full articles.
  • Use AI to assist in writing meta titles and descriptions: One writing task that AI is already pretty good at is creating short snippets like meta titles and descriptions. This is an easy way to speed up your content production process and improve your SEO at the same time, although you’ll still need a human to proofread and edit them.
  • Don’t let an AI tool write your entire website: AI tools are great as a writing assistant, but it’s easy to end up with generic, uninspiring content if you rely on them too much.

AI+Human from Get A Copywriter

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Use AI for SEO with caution

AI content, when not monitored and edited by humans, can be detrimental to your website’s SEO. Without the expertise of a human writer, AI-generated content often lacks depth and accuracy, making it less engaging for readers and less appealing to search engines.

When used as intended (as an assistant, not a full automation tool), AI can be a valuable asset to any content strategy. But you’d be wise to stay aware of the risks and limitations of using AI-generated content. Using these tools to help you during the copywriting process, rather than using fully auto-generated content, will ensure that your SEO isn’t put at risk and instead is benefiting from the help of AI technology.

What is AI-generated content?

AI tools like ChatGPT and Jasper create content at the click of a button with a simple prompt or instruction such as “write a definition of artificial intelligence” or “list some reasons why AI is beneficial.”

This type of AI-generated content has seen a rapid rise in popularity and usage in recent years, due to the release of increasingly sophisticated tools. These AI writing assistants speed up content creation, allowing marketers to rapidly create web content, blog posts, social media messages, and other types of content, all without hiring a professional writer.

But AI content tools are not without their controversies. One of the biggest concerns at the moment is whether or not Google and other search engines can detect AI-generated content. And if so, will they penalize websites that use it?

How does AI-generated content work?

The process behind the creation of automated content is referred to as “natural language processing” (NLP). This involves algorithms analyzing natural language and seeking out patterns in texts. The software then uses this data to generate new and unique content automatically.

Most of the AI tools available today use a technology developed by OpenAI called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3).

GPT-3 is OpenAI’s latest achievement and the most powerful AI language model to date, with over 175 billion parameters. GPT-3 is trained on internet datasets up to September 2021. In other words, it does not scrape the web in real time and has no knowledge of recent events.

Instead, the model was trained by being fed content such as blog posts, news articles, online discussion forums, and more. After learning to recognize patterns in these inputs, GPT-3 can generate text that is very similar to human-written content.

We all know how fast the world of technology moves, and GPT-4 is already almost ready for public release. While we don’t know the details yet, it’s expected that the new language model will be more advanced in several ways. However, the CEO of OpenAI has warned not to speculate about what these potential improvements may be.

AI-based content vs. professional content writers: who wins?

AI-generated content is fast, cheap, and efficient. But it’s not the best option for every type of content.


A skilled writer may take several hours to write a blog post or several days to research a topic thoroughly. AI tools can generate content much faster.


A professional writer may charge several hundred dollars for a single blog post or article. Many AI tools are relatively inexpensive, and some, like Chat GPT, are currently free.


Professional writers have a deep understanding of language and style, as well as in-depth knowledge of their areas of expertise. AI-generated content is not as detailed or accurate. It can be improved with human editing and review, but it does not match the quality of a skilled copywriter.


AI-generated content may be technically created from scratch, but it’s not unusual for it to be extremely similar to other pieces of content on the web. Some users have reported instances of plagiarism when using AI tools. Professional writers, on the other hand, will always strive to create fresh, original content from a unique point of view.

Get our detailed comparison guide to AI, a combination of AI and writer, and professional content writers so you can make the best choice for your business.

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How to detect AI-generated content

Content created by AI may seem very similar to text written by a human at first glance. But there are a number of methods you can use to get a good idea if what you’re reading was written by a person or an algorithm.

Tools for detecting AI content

There are several tools now available that will scan content for signs of AI-generated text. These tools look for telltale patterns and language usage that indicate the text was written by an AI rather than a human.

Some examples of tools currently available include, Copyleaks’ AI Content Detector, and OpenAI’s own AI Text Classifier.

These tools are not yet 100% accurate, but they are improving all the time as algorithms become more advanced.

Does Google penalize AI content?

AI watermarking

Watermarking methods have also been discussed as a potential way to detect AI-generated content. These digital watermarks are still being developed, but they could eventually be used to identify AI-generated content with high accuracy.

Manual AI detection

As well as these automated tools, there are also ways to manually check for AI-generated content. None of these methods are foolproof. But if you know the signs to look for, you can usually get a feel for whether content was written by a human or an AI.

Repeating words and phrases

AI tools love patterns — both looking for them and creating them. So if you come across a piece of text that repeats words or phrases unusually often, or keeps repeating the same idea worded in a slightly different way, this is a red flag.

Unnatural or awkward phrasing

AI-generated content may be grammatically correct (sometimes it’s not!), but it often lacks the natural flow and rhythm of words written by a human. If a piece of text seems to have a slightly robotic tone to it, it’s usually a sign that there’s been some AI involvement.

Lack of detail

Content produced by AI writing tools tends to stick to the facts and is usually written in a straightforward style with little detail. If a piece of content lacks explanation or fails to address the issue in any real depth, then it could be AI-generated.

Incorrect facts or made-up data

AI tools can be trained to generate correct outputs based on certain inputs. But they are not infallible and may get some facts wrong or even invent quotes or statistics. If you’re suspicious about a particular piece of content, it’s worth doing some research to see if the facts check out.

Can Google detect AI-generated content?

Google’s algorithms and coding teams are some of the most advanced in the world, and the search engine is constantly being updated and upgraded with new capabilities.

So it’s probably safe to say that if there’s any way to detect AI-generated content, Google surely knows about it. However, the company has not made any public statements about this specifically.

For now, it’s best to assume that Google is fully aware if you’re publishing AI-generated content on your website, especially if you’re not editing it or making any attempt to personalize it.

While currently there’s been no definitive statement from Google to say they will penalize sites using AI content, they’re firm in their stance that all content should be unique and of high quality — both qualities that are often lacking in auto-generated web copy.

But how exactly does Google treat AI content? And how can you ensure your site won’t be penalized and that any potential risks of using AI tools are minimized?

Is AI content worth the risk?

Now you have a better idea of how exactly AI writing tools work and what Google thinks of AI-generated content, it’s time to decide whether it’s something you want to invest your time and money in.

AI-generated content offers some significant advantages for businesses, including lower costs, faster production times, and scalability. But any text written by AI should never be used without human proofreading and editing. Instead, it’s better to use it as a way of generating ideas and as an assistant for producing a rough first draft.

In the near future of digital content where countless billions of words are published each day, originality, creativity, and that elusive human touch are all going to be essential for success online.

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